Farm Planting Medicine Cost Simulator
If you have a PC, register data in bulk using spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel or Google Spread Sheet.
Bulk registration
Data to register
1 line 1 data.
One line is the date of measurement, followed by daikon, tomato, cabbage, wheat, apple, orange, lemon, pear, dandelion, sunflower, and rose (cannot be omitted).
Measurement dates can be separated by hyphens, slashes, or periods. (YYYY/M/D, YYYY-M-D, YYYY.M.D)
Unknown parts are empty.
No header required.
(If you have the data in the correct order, you should be able to copy and paste it from your spreadsheet software.)
Resetting Results
Delete all Results of {{ targetUser.userName }}.
Please use this when you want to register data after resetting the current data.
This is a batch output of the Results data registered in {{ targetUser.userName }}.
The format is the same as bulk registration.
(Memo will not be output.)
Batch output
Batch output of data
Please use it for backing up data, sharing data, sharing to spreadsheet software, etc.
n = (Year of the specified date) + (Week of the specified date) - {{ N_BASE }}
x(n) = ROUNDDOWN(MOD(a * n + b, 901), 0) + 100
You can check the range of values for a and b above.
See the article on for logic. Subtraction of {{ N_BASE }} is to reduce the number and reduce the error.
Crop name | aMin | aMax | bMin | bMax |
{{ SAKUMOTSU_INFOS[sakID].long_name }} | {{ cnstPlantSeedMap[sakID].aMin?.toFixed(6) }} | {{ cnstPlantSeedMap[sakID].aMax?.toFixed(6) }} | {{ cnstPlantSeedMap[sakID].bMin?.toFixed(6) }} | {{ cnstPlantSeedMap[sakID].bMax?.toFixed(6) }} |
This is a setting for how to display base medicine cost candidates.
The initial value displays all candidates only when the number of base medicine cost is 999 or 1000, as there is a possibility of overflow.
You can also change the settings to always display all candidates.
In this case, the screen may become cluttered and visibility may decrease.
Displayed in highlight when base medicine points are high.
If the number is very large, use an orange background; if the number is slightly large, use a yellow background.
You can specify that threshold.
Please use this when changing the display order of users.
Please use this when you want to delete internal data and initialize.
You can turn on features for developers.
It is possible to check internal data.
Please turn this on only if you are interested in internal processing.
実績 (記録)にデータを1件以上登録してください。
期間 | {{ SAKUMOTSU_INFOS[sakID].name }} |
{{ listItem.displayPredictDate + " ~" }} |
{{ posVal.num }}
{{ posVal.num }}
予測 (見込み)のテーブルをクリックした行の履歴を表示します。
日程 | メモ | 操作 |
{{ clicedRow.clickDate }} |