Lazy Tanaka's Toram General Site
Recent Releases
Fishing Rod
Calculate the performance of a fishing rod based on the materials consumed.
Enchant probability
Calculate the probability of an Enchant being acquired by fairy sewing tools.
Strayer's Props Box
Displays the experience ranking.
Frequently Used Features
Colored Weapons Future Forecast
Predict what color weapons the bosses will drop.
Craftman's Statting
Auto-Simulate Optimal Stats.
Automatic Statting Simulator
Craftman's Statting
Auto-Simulate Optimal Stats.
Experience related
Strayer's TORAM Earned Experience Ranking
Displays the experience ranking.
Strayer's TORAM List of Monsters by Attribute
Displays the list of monsters by attribute.
Utility Tools
Colored Weapons Future Forecast
Predict what color weapons the bosses will drop.
Enchant probability
Calculate the probability of an Enchant being acquired by fairy sewing tools.
Fishing Rod
Calculate the performance of a fishing rod based on the materials consumed.
My Room Pet Predict
Predict which pets will visit your room.